Friday, January 22, 2016

I've just had a colliding of content and cultures - reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic book about the many ways that creative genius awaits our attention, or smacks over the head to gain it; stories of inspiration being raced to a paper and pen before it could escape, or like my poem-song below, presenting itself all complete, all whole and just needing a scribe to capture it.

Followed by watching Mundanara Bayles' Tedx talk about the differences in Aboriginal and western cultures and values explored in the Black Card course that she and her elders offer.

The content of Sit Awhile came fully dressed, fully formed out of my sleep, after listening to two elders, one Uncle, one Aunty sharing of their experiences being hoodwinked by bureaucrats who supposedly came to 'consult' community elders before going ahead with the Howard government's NT Invasion or Intervention depending on whose perspective you are viewing it from.

I captured the song, sent it to two friends and it took off on its own path, coming back to me as having been recited at the first meeting of the newly formed National Congress of Australia's First People in Canberra, ACT, and again having been presented to and adopted by a South Australian organisation that works with Aboriginal people.

In full round circle, my 'attachment' to it is no attachment at all. As Elizabeth Gilbert says in Big Magic "It Ain't Your Baby." It was definitely one of the times when I already knew this. When I already knew I was the willing human who would take this inspiration and allow it to come into this world in word and verse. Not really anything to do with me, but nice to hear how it's still travelling and touching others with its inspiration.

Sit awhile
When people come consulting, to negotiate a way
It's supposed to be a two way thing,
where each will have their say.
Instead, I find, some folks think, they know just what I need
Not talking with, just at me, and then think we have agreed.
> Chorus:
Hold up, slow down, sit awhile and hear my story,
I know what I want, but you haven't asked
Just told me you know, what's right for me
and the way it's gonna be, is this the way it's gonna be?
I've listened to the problems, I've heard your view
Said tell me more, respected you
Then I went to think it through.
I'm still waiting for my turn,
to tell you what I know

> Chorus:
Hold up, slow down, sit awhile and hear my story,
I know what I want, but you haven't asked
Just told me you know, what's right for me
and the way it's gonna be, is this the way it's gonna be?

I have answers to the problems, maybe a better way to go,
Instead you say, we'll just do it my way,
Then you blame me when it's wrong
You take no time to really hear,
Maybe you'll listen to my song.

> Chorus:
Hold up, slow down, sit awhile and hear my story,
I know what I want, but you haven't asked
Just told me you know, what's right for me
and the way it's gonna be, is this the way it's gonna be?

You take no time, to really hear
 Maybe you'll listen to my song. 

(c) J.Cooper 27/7/07

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